What are Barbell Complexes ?
Barbell Complexes, as the name suggests, are exercise complexes with a barbell.
These complexes consist of several exercises, each of them is directly behind the other
performed without a break and without laying down the barbell.
For the Barbell Complexes you should know the basics of strength training and the exercises
shouldn't be a problem for you ...
For those who are not particularly experienced in dealing with free weight, the best way to start is with 4-5 different exercises á 8-10 reps and 3 – 4 laps.
Barbell Complexes, as the name suggests, are exercise complexes with a barbell.
These complexes consist of several exercises, each of them is directly behind the other
performed without a break and without laying down the barbell.
For the Barbell Complexes you should know the basics of strength training and the exercises
shouldn't be a problem for you ...
For those who are not particularly experienced in dealing with free weight, the best way to start is with 4-5 different exercises á 8-10 reps and 3 – 4 laps.
Example complex for beginners :
- Deadlifts 8-10 reps
- Back Squats 8-10 reps
- Push Press 8-10 reps
- Walking Lunges 8-10 reps
- Good Mornings 8-10 reps
These 5 exercises ( complexes ) must be performed without a break and without
discontinuation and considered as one set! After each set there are 90 seconds rest
on the plan.Thereafter, the whole process starts again, until 3 - 4 sets completed .
The weight depends on your own strength. It is important that you go to your limits,
BUT always paying attention, that you can still perform the exercises correctly .
If you want to "practice" in advance, you can do it with a barbell without weight plates.
Depending on how fit and experienced you already are, you can incraise the set by 2
and the reps to 10 – 12. In addition an increase of the weight is possible and makes sense,
as long as the exercise can be performed properly .
Example Complex for advanced users:
- Deadlifts 10-12 reps
- Back Squats 10-12 reps
- Push Press 10 - 12 reps
- Walking Lunges 10-12 reps
- Good Mornings 10-12 reps
- Bent -over Row 10-12 reps
- Front Squats 10-12 reps
At the end of the german post you'll find & watch the video Video klick here
Of course, other exercises can also be done depending on your preference.
Of course, other exercises can also be done depending on your preference.
A further possibility is the following :
You start off with 10 exercises and each 8 reps. The whole result as always is 1 set. It will performed without a break and without discontinuation. After 1 set: 90 seconds rest .
The subsequent set consists of the same exercises, but the number of repetitions decreases by 1 repeat ... until you make each exercise only 1x executes ;)
Furthermore, you can make it even as " Dumbbell Complexes ".
A great quote about Barbell Complexes, we've found on the side of Team Andro " ... at the end of Complexes you want the barbell just throw on the floor and look for a hole to die. And as a reward leads you from one more round . "
Finally, we show you the whole thing again in a video :
The interfaces in the video NOT mean that you can settle in between the barbell ;) It's just a demonstration video, that should show you how the exercises are carried out and which exercises could be combined.
Exercises from the video :
1 Clean & Press0,
2 Deadlift / deadlifts
3rd row / rowing
4 lunges / lunges
5 squats / squats
6 deadlifts with legs straight / stiff leg deadlifts
At the end of the German Post you can find and watch the video -> Video click here
We're very sorry, but unfortunately the video is not uploaded here.
♥ Your team Beauties Lift Weights ♥
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